Hail Paimon.

A nap and two Red Bulls later I have produced this painting from a shot of one of my favourite movies. After a break I may do more shots just because I’m doing a face study of Alex Wolff. I’ll probably do some of the other characters soon as well!

In other news, my break down has subsided and I’ll hopefully be able to produce more art soon.


Depression Episode #1000+!

I haven’t slept and decided to whip up a sketch of my miqote. I’ve been having mood drops every other day if not everyday despite my medication. Probably time to ask for a change.. Of course I know medication isn’t a magic spell that cures all. Because it hasn’t been that way for me. Most of the work has to be done yourself. I have a constant struggle with my mental state and sometimes it’s hard to get out of negative thinking when a mood drop hits. You believe all your negative thoughts when you’re stuck in the moment.

I just have to remind myself that it’s just a chemical imbalance in the brain. Don’t ever give up, it ALWAYS gets better.